Spare parts for trucks, busses and trailers.

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MARTEX through its established quality policy implements a strategy aimed at achieving the position of one of the major suppliers of spare parts and consumables for trucks, trailers and trailers on the Polish and European market.
The success of our company depends on the recognition that customers give us for high, guaranteed service quality, for a wide offer that meets the expectations and requirements of customers. The Management Board and employees of MARTEX Społka z o.o. declare their full commitment to the implementation of tasks resulting from the adopted Quality Policy
The company's strategy is implemented through:
• Ensuring full availability of a wide range of goods
• Continued development of the commercial offer
• Implementation of activities aimed at guaranteeing the high quality of products introduced to the offer
• High, constantly developed competences of employees
• Continuous improvement of work organization and employee skills
• Professional advice on the selection of parts
• Optimizing customer service time through the use of advanced IT solutions
• A motivational bonus system that guarantees employees' involvement in the implementation of the company's strategic goals
• Organizational structure focused on process optimization
• The use of modern methods of managing the offer and warehouse inventory
• A constantly developed and modernized logistics process including the storage and distribution of goods
• Automation of internal logistics processes
• Development of the distribution network
• Implementation of a fully supervised Quality Management System
• Continuous improvement of the Quality Management System in order to meet the changing requirements and expectations of customers